It does not matter how much experience you have with Compression Garments.
We make it our goal to answer all of your questions.
For the best answer to your question call 916-649-0700 for an Appointment
We make it our goal to answer all of your questions.
For the best answer to your question call 916-649-0700 for an Appointment
How much do I pay for a Fitting?
Do I have to make an appointment ?
- Making an appointment is preferred however walk in clients will be accepted if time is available.
Is there parking ?
- Yes! Street parking is available for all and disabled parking available in the lot
What are the hours of Operation ?
- MONDAY - THURSDAY 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
- FRIDAY 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
What is Lymphedema?
- Lymphedema is a protein-rich edema (swelling) of an arm, leg or trunk caused by poor lymphatic drainage. This change in lymphatic drainage can be caused by many factors:
1) Removal and/or radiation of lymph nodes secondary to cancer treatment
2) Repeated or severe surgery or trauma to an arm or leg along major lymph pathways.
3) Repeated bouts of swelling in an arm or leg secondary to venous insufficiency or infection.
4) Inherited faulty lymph nodes or lymph collectors in one or more arms or legs, more common in the legs.
- Some people may have one or more of these risk factors and never develop lymphedema. The percentage of people who get lymphedema as a result of cancer treatment has not been well documented.
What more can I do to prevent or treat Lymphedema?
1) Self manual lymph drainage
- Incorporate your appropriate sequence into a daily routine. Keep the pressure light and slow, remembering lymph drainage occurs mainly in the skin. Stay tuned for instructional videos!
2) Exercises for Lymphedema
- Sequence exercises to increase lymph drainage centrally first then moving out. Exercises are simple and easy, painfree.
3) Compression Garments and/or bandaging
- Compression garments are used to maintain the size of the limb. Bandaging along with manual lymph drainage and exercises can be used to reduce the size of the limb, or maintain it’s size after reduction and stabilization in size has occurred.
Do I have to make an appointment ?
- Making an appointment is preferred however walk in clients will be accepted if time is available.
Is there parking ?
- Yes! Street parking is available for all and disabled parking available in the lot
What are the hours of Operation ?
- MONDAY - THURSDAY 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
- FRIDAY 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
What is Lymphedema?
- Lymphedema is a protein-rich edema (swelling) of an arm, leg or trunk caused by poor lymphatic drainage. This change in lymphatic drainage can be caused by many factors:
1) Removal and/or radiation of lymph nodes secondary to cancer treatment
2) Repeated or severe surgery or trauma to an arm or leg along major lymph pathways.
3) Repeated bouts of swelling in an arm or leg secondary to venous insufficiency or infection.
4) Inherited faulty lymph nodes or lymph collectors in one or more arms or legs, more common in the legs.
- Some people may have one or more of these risk factors and never develop lymphedema. The percentage of people who get lymphedema as a result of cancer treatment has not been well documented.
What more can I do to prevent or treat Lymphedema?
1) Self manual lymph drainage
- Incorporate your appropriate sequence into a daily routine. Keep the pressure light and slow, remembering lymph drainage occurs mainly in the skin. Stay tuned for instructional videos!
2) Exercises for Lymphedema
- Sequence exercises to increase lymph drainage centrally first then moving out. Exercises are simple and easy, painfree.
3) Compression Garments and/or bandaging
- Compression garments are used to maintain the size of the limb. Bandaging along with manual lymph drainage and exercises can be used to reduce the size of the limb, or maintain it’s size after reduction and stabilization in size has occurred.
What is a compression Garment?
A specialty sleeve designed to control swelling for an arm, leg, foot or any part of the body. It can be elastic or non elastic with hook and loop closure. It can be ready-made or custom. Garments should provide graduated compression to an affected region. The garment should be well fit and cover the entire affected region. It is important the correct garment is selected for your size and condition.
Who needs a compression Garment?
- Lymphedema & Post-Surgical for arms, legs and trunk
- Venous Insufficiency
- Varicose Veins
- Diabetics
- Pregnancy
- Sports
When do I wear my compression Garment?
Usually recommended to wear day compression from the time feet hit the ground in the morning until just before bed.
If swelling occurs at night, there are specialty garments designed for safe use when sleeping.
***Proper fit is essential. A poorly fit garment can do more harm than not wearing compression. Please seek another fitting should you change significantly in weight or shape.***
If you have swelling, garments should be worn any time you are upright, especially during strenuous activities.
Especially important times to wear your garment include:
· Repetitive or strenuous activities that incorporate your affected limb
· While trying activities that are new to you
· On an airplane plus at least two hours after the flight
· When visiting higher elevations (your body’s response will determine what elevation is “higher elevation” for you)
· Changes in: weather/temperature, diet, allergies, medical conditions, stress, sleep patterns…
Will my swelling ever go away ?
-This is a complex question that relates to your diagnosis and medical history. Question is best answered by your MD or by a certified lymphedema professional. We have a list of certified lymphedema professionals should you need a referral.
A specialty sleeve designed to control swelling for an arm, leg, foot or any part of the body. It can be elastic or non elastic with hook and loop closure. It can be ready-made or custom. Garments should provide graduated compression to an affected region. The garment should be well fit and cover the entire affected region. It is important the correct garment is selected for your size and condition.
Who needs a compression Garment?
- Lymphedema & Post-Surgical for arms, legs and trunk
- Venous Insufficiency
- Varicose Veins
- Diabetics
- Pregnancy
- Sports
When do I wear my compression Garment?
Usually recommended to wear day compression from the time feet hit the ground in the morning until just before bed.
If swelling occurs at night, there are specialty garments designed for safe use when sleeping.
***Proper fit is essential. A poorly fit garment can do more harm than not wearing compression. Please seek another fitting should you change significantly in weight or shape.***
If you have swelling, garments should be worn any time you are upright, especially during strenuous activities.
Especially important times to wear your garment include:
· Repetitive or strenuous activities that incorporate your affected limb
· While trying activities that are new to you
· On an airplane plus at least two hours after the flight
· When visiting higher elevations (your body’s response will determine what elevation is “higher elevation” for you)
· Changes in: weather/temperature, diet, allergies, medical conditions, stress, sleep patterns…
Will my swelling ever go away ?
-This is a complex question that relates to your diagnosis and medical history. Question is best answered by your MD or by a certified lymphedema professional. We have a list of certified lymphedema professionals should you need a referral.
If your question is not listed Please feel free to give us a Call to schedule an Appointment at (916)649-0700